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Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader

I didn't always read, but that changed in June of 2013. I dropped the unnecessary stuff and picked up the awesome stuff--like reading! I started posting my reviews on Amazon and within a few months rose to the top 0.1% of reviewers. My reviews then went to Goodreads, and now my blog (http://ryandejonghe.wordpress.com) and Twitter (@Ryan_Reads). If you are reading this, why not leave a comment or send me a note? I love talking to other folks about books and my reviews. Publishers and authors, feel free to drop me a note if you want me to review your book. I usually stick to mainstream publishing, but I'll consider anything. If I review your book, I’ll give you a fair and thorough review and let you know when the review goes live. You can reach me at dejonghes@gmail.com. Happy Reading!
Our Happy Time - Gong Ji-young, Sora Kim-Russell

Drunk dad beats kid; popular singer is not satisfied with life. Both those ring of cliché, but OUR HAPPY TIME digs deeper than those initial perceptions. Gong Ji-young, the author of this, winds her words into your soul with delegate wording and gut-wrenching messages.



OUR HAPPY TIME alternates between the perspectives of the female singer and male prisoner. The stories are deep enough to feel real—to feel deep. By page ten, you as the reader will be characterly connected, prodding to move forward in answer, in resolution.



Though the message has strong religious undertones, the wherefore does not require Biblical belief for the final payoff and hearty understanding. The emotional notes still touch and play accordingly. Contained are simple messages, not necessarily with bow-tied endings, but they leave plenty to consider post cover closing.



To read this, is to read the stories of two opposite lives connecting and realizing the importance of it all. Life, truly, is a constellation of vital phenomena (thank you Anthony Marra for that titled book and definition).



And, thank you Marble Arch for finding my corner of the internet and sending this book to me for review. It wasn’t solicited, but it was timely and appreciated.