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Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader

I didn't always read, but that changed in June of 2013. I dropped the unnecessary stuff and picked up the awesome stuff--like reading! I started posting my reviews on Amazon and within a few months rose to the top 0.1% of reviewers. My reviews then went to Goodreads, and now my blog (http://ryandejonghe.wordpress.com) and Twitter (@Ryan_Reads). If you are reading this, why not leave a comment or send me a note? I love talking to other folks about books and my reviews. Publishers and authors, feel free to drop me a note if you want me to review your book. I usually stick to mainstream publishing, but I'll consider anything. If I review your book, I’ll give you a fair and thorough review and let you know when the review goes live. You can reach me at dejonghes@gmail.com. Happy Reading!

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams I found this book meandering, both in writing and plot; for some that might be a good thing. For those that enjoy this brand of storytelling, there are spaceship loads of humor and silliness. I would think it would be an apt description to call this book, ‘Monty Python in Space’.

Call me a dull fuddy-duddy or a juvenile idiot, but I’ve never laughed aloud at trolls inquiring about quests or ministers seeking silly walks. It’s not my thing. And for the record—my guilty admission—I don’t see the humor of a protagonist mishandling the word ‘inconceivable’, as in certain other Americanized comedies. Maybe I’m low brow, appreciating only crude and dark humor; this sophisticated stuff is lost on me. Silly? Yes. Laugh out loud funny? Not so much.

That’s where I’m at with this book. There’s plenty of clever dialogue, faulty sentence coordination, and witty word play for everyone—just not me. I’ll continue to allow my humor to fester with scrotums and flatulence, thank you very much.