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Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader

I didn't always read, but that changed in June of 2013. I dropped the unnecessary stuff and picked up the awesome stuff--like reading! I started posting my reviews on Amazon and within a few months rose to the top 0.1% of reviewers. My reviews then went to Goodreads, and now my blog (http://ryandejonghe.wordpress.com) and Twitter (@Ryan_Reads). If you are reading this, why not leave a comment or send me a note? I love talking to other folks about books and my reviews. Publishers and authors, feel free to drop me a note if you want me to review your book. I usually stick to mainstream publishing, but I'll consider anything. If I review your book, I’ll give you a fair and thorough review and let you know when the review goes live. You can reach me at dejonghes@gmail.com. Happy Reading!

The Secret Life of Sleep

The Secret Life of Sleep - Kat Duff This isn’t what I thought it would be. I had just finished EAT MOVE SLEEP and was inspired to learn more about sleeping and the benefits of sleep (EAT MOVE SLEEP was incredibly motivational). When I read the description of THE SECRET LIFE OF SLEEP, I was intrigued and asked Atria Books to consider me for a review copy (thank you to Atria Books for granting this request and providing a copy to read). As I dug in, I felt off-track from what I was expecting.

Kat Duff goes into great detail talking about sleep, both scientifically and historically. I appreciated how she divided the chapters into the various stages of sleep and talked about each stage separately. This was a very organized approach. The chapters show how people viewed each stage of sleep from various cultures and then talks about what happens with your body during those stages. If I was expecting this approach, perhaps I would have been more interested.

If you are looking into well-researched methods of taking care of your body in a holistic (and wholistic) manner, then I would recommend EAT MOVE SLEEP. If you are looking to learn sleep from various viewpoints, then check out THE SECRET LIFE OF SLEEP. At the end of the day, I wasn’t as moved or inspired by this book as the previously mentioned book. And for that, I am giving it three stars for being an “okay” read.