The description sounds good: “How Can You Use Your Mind to Transform Your Brain to Make Yourself Happier?” I just wish the book had a little more substance. Actually, a lot more substance.
After getting through the author’s preface and self-congratulatory remarks, he dives into the methodology of what makes him feel better (and what he thinks will make you feel better) during moments of self-doubt. His key warning signs are when you tell yourself: “something’s wrong”, “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t belong here”, or “I’m always going to be on my own”. Huh? Where did he get this from?
Mr. Fogel’s scientific documentation is lacking, to say the least. He talks about matters as if he is an expert, but he fails to establish a foundation for any of his claims. Nor does Mr. Fogel provide his credentials for offering such advice as a definitive resolution. Can a person find happiness following Fogel’s advice? Maybe, but there are so many other books that are more effective.
A user that goes by the name of Gonza on goodreads deftly summed this book up: “Manual that mixes the theories of transactional analysis, cognitive behavioral therapy and schema therapy to resolve then the problems related to childhood trauma and of the script beliefs through Mindfulness. Very interesting, except that at times I found it a bit simplistic and as a psychotherapist I can say that several of the resolutions put in place by the author would not have been just as easy and quick if not mediated by psychotherapy, which remains, in my opinion, a conditio sine qua non.”
Bottom line: this is a book of Mr. Fogel’s own self-discovery—he even goes so far as talk about his own therapy sessions. I’m glad that he found his own path to happiness and wants to share with other people, but in this field, one size does not fit all.
Thank you to Greenleaf Book Group for providing me with a review copy of this book. I requested this book after reading Malcom Gladwell’s OUTLIERS and Carnegie’s HOW TO STOP WORRYING. It just didn’t work out this time.